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Video Gaming Act

Pursuant to the Video Gaming Act, 4 Pa.C.S. § 3101 et seq. the State Ethics Commission's responsibilities include:

  1. Making determinations, upon request, as to whether the duties of particular individuals would  be subject to certain prohibitions or  "revolving-door" restrictions (4 Pa.C.S. §§ 4302(d)(1), 4303(f)(1), 4304(e)(1);
  2. Biennially publishing a listing of all State, county, municipal and other government positions meeting the definitions of the terms "public official" or "executive-level public employee" set forth in the Video Gaming Act, for the purpose of enabling the identification of persons who would be subject to the prohibitions of Section 4303 of the Video Gaming Act; and
  3. Determining whether to extend deadlines for divestiture of financial interests prohibited under Section 4303 of the Video Gaming Act.

The following link will direct you to the full version of the Video Gaming Act. Once you click on the below link, selecting the link for House Bill 271 on the next page will take you to another link outside the Gaming Control Board website which contains the current version of the Video Gaming Act:

Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board: Legislation